Using CSS variable in Tailwind CSS and dynamic Tailwind class


tl;dr A trick of doing dynamic styles with Tailwind JIT class.

The official way to add a CC license to a GitHub Repository


tl;dr You can choose a license that's officially supported by GitHub through Github's website.

Create a React UI Button component with all native button props


tl;dr This is a simple guide on building a custom React UI component with a Button example.

Custom Windows Termianl


tl;dr This is a quick guide for customizing the new Windows Terminal with Powershell 7 and oh-my-posh.

Magic Mirror Project


tl;dr A blog of the process of my Magic Mirror project. From gathering materials, building the frame, to put everything together physically, and installing all the software.

Keep the old Edge after installing the new Chromium Edge


tl;dr A quick guide on installing both Edge browsers, the legacy one and the new one.

WoWS Analysis - Winter Break Project


tl;dr This is a personal project to study the player base of the video game World of Warships...